The Outlaw Life

running, reading, blogging, loving

Brinner, Part Deux

on March 19, 2013


Last night? Pancakes with Peanut Butter Co.’s Dark Chocolate Dreams Peanut Butter. Tonight, homemade biscuits and sausage gravy.


It’s been two bitching dinners here in a row at Chez Outlaw, made even more special by the fact that Mark isn’t really a breakfast person (I KNOW, RIGHT? Insanity.) so brinner is usually a rare treat at this house!

After this afternoon’s brief episode of (totally week-making) blog fan dorkiness, Mark and I were off to conquer the day. Mark’s “weekend” is technically Tuesday and Wednesday, so we’ve got to make hay while the sun shines!





It started snowing (?!) this afternoon just in time for Mark and I to head to his parents house to pick up a bunch of applewood branches they needed taken to the city compost yard. It was cold and awkward, mostly because tree branches have this nasty habit of wanting to get tangled together! Shortly after we finished up, we knew we’d have to get something delicious to warm ourselves up.



Sweet Tomatoes! Please tell me you guys have a Sweet Tomatoes/Souplantation near by. All you can eat salad, soup, pasta, bread goodies, and some of the tiniest ice-cream cones I’ve ever seen



This is the face of a man with big hands and two tiny ice-cream cones. And, because Mark and I are four and love to play with our food, may I present Sir Reginald of Cone


I think he looks like the trash heap where the Fraggles live 🙂

Post lunch it was back home for blog reading (me), video game playing (Mark), and Veronica Mars.watching for a few hours before gym time. Since we didn’t get any much of a workout this morning, we knew we’d be headed back.


My knee still being awfully sore, I took it easy as possible and just walked for about 30 minutes. BUT I snagged this awesome blurry picture of Mark rocking his Couch-2-5K run today 😀


You guys, I’m so, so, like, mushy, Hallmark-card proud of him it needs it’s own post (which is most likely forthcoming). He’s just started his running journey and its going great and he’s kicking ass and taking names.

We got home just a few hours ago and since then have made dinner, watched more Veronica Mars (TV marathon, much?) and are currently engaged in a battle of wills over who will wash the dishes in the sink. Wish me luck 😉

What TV show could you watch marathon style? Do you still play with your food? What’s your favorite activity to do to recover?

14 responses to “Brinner, Part Deux

  1. Mrs. Swan says:

    Holy poop those are TINY!

    • Chelsea says:

      RIGHT?! I was amazed!

      • Chelsea says:

        And tempted to eat a million of them.

      • Mrs. Swan says:

        We have one about 20 miles from me. (ST) Obviously I have never been though. Now I know to look for the itty bitty things. When he brought me his digital display bank with the money he looked so sad. I exploit child labor though. He brushes my hair for money. LMAO

      • Chelsea says:

        Oh my goodness, I used to do that for my mom to earn money! Maybe it’s a motherhood thing? And I could rub my dads feet for a dollar (double what my mom would give me) but there was NO way that was happening! lol

  2. okay, wow, so breakfast for dinner is just about my idea of heaven. growing up my dad would make us chocolate chip pancakes for dinner every once in awhile, and it’s kinda scary just how excited we would get. haha
    we had a Fresh Choice when i was growing up too, kinda like souplantation, my brother and i would have contests on who could make the most epic ice cream creation. 🙂

    • Chelsea says:

      That sounds like exactly the kind of contest I’d be amazing kicking butt at! It’s weird, breakfast for dinner was never a thing for me, really, until college – and then I felt like if I didn’t have cereal before bed (a waffle would also suffice) I wasn’t quite complete!

  3. The Honorable Monica Brown says:

    Awesome blog Chels. And I want some of that pb. There is a sweet tomatoes right by I work but I have never been. Will have to check it out. To answer your question I have been having Shameless marathons this week.

    • Chelsea says:

      Thanks Monica! Mark and I will have to go with you and Jason to ST the next time we’re in town! And I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of Shameless…is that an HBO show?

  4. Chris P. Bacon says:

    I only watch t.v. marathon style. Currently working on Breaking Bad, Nurse Jackie and my new favorite show…Girls! (I love Lena Dunham. I want to be her friend in real life.)
    Breakfast for dinner is the beez kneez. It truly makes me happy. We try to do it once a week.
    People who don’t play with their food are lame and boring and I probably wouldn’t want to hang out with them long-term. Your ice cream cone was a work of art AND probably full of wisdom like the trash heap. I could literally feel universal knowledge emanating from the frozen confection. You guys are looking healthy and beautiful. Happy Spring.

  5. Chris P. Bacon says:

    Cool! The time my last comment posted is our b-day! (And you must check out Shameless! Showtime. You’ll love it.)

    • Chelsea says:

      Amy, you’re cracking my shiz up over here! I told Mark what you said about our ‘trash heap’ and he just nodded wisely and said “see, it was worth the time” – it took him almost ten minutes to carve that face in to the ice-cream! Glad to see you ’round these interwebs parts again, and it sure would be dandy to see your pretty face in real life sometime soon 😉

  6. Chris P. Bacon says:

    And my initial comment from “princessmonkeythoughts” is from Zoe’s account. Who knew Zoe had a Word Press account??

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